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Joint Programme for Higher Education in Physics

The ICTP cooperates with the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Trieste in the education in physics of graduate students from Developing countries.
The cooperation concerns the following training curricula in physics of the University of Trieste: the “Laurea Magistralis in Fisica” with its training tracks in Condensed Matter Physics, Nuclear and Sub-Nuclear Physics, Theoretical Physics, Earth and Environmental Physics and the “Laurea Magistralis in Astrofisica e Fisica Spaziale”. These two degrees called “Laurea Magistralis” can be compared to an advanced master in physics or in astrophysics in the Anglo-Saxon system or to the last two years of the New European Educational System as fixed by the Bologna-Sorbonne agreement among the European Ministers of Education in the mid nineties.

In the framework of this cooperation the ICTP announces that in 2009 a few scholarships and travel grants will be awarded to qualified, selected students from Developing countries in order to register and follow the above-mentioned training curricula in Physics of the University of Trieste.

I. Purpose of the Programme

The Programme covers two academic years and is designed to provide young promising students in physics from Developing countries with graduate training suitable for pursuing teaching and research in Physics.

II. The Courses

A short description of the different curricula of the “Laurea Magistralis in Fisica” and of the “Laurea Magistralis in Astrofisica e Fisica Spaziale” may be found following the link below.

Courses will be held in English and each of them will be followed by an examination. A course on Italian language will be organized during the first year. After having passed all exams, participants will have to prepare and defend a dissertation. After successful completion of the entire study plan the students will obtain the “Laurea Magistralis in Fisica” or the “Laurea Magistralis in Astrofisica e Fisica Spaziale” by the University of Trieste. The participants may also be required to take part in ongoing activities of the ICTP.

III. Qualifications and Scholarships

  1. The Programme is open to young, qualified graduates from all countries that are members of the United Nations, UNESCO or IAEA.
  2. The minimum qualification for applicants is a degree equivalent to an M.Sc. (or an exceptionally good B.Sc.) in Physics. The selection of candidates will be based on their university record and academic recommendations.
  3. Fluency in both spoken and written English is required.
  4. In 2009 a limited number of scholarships will be awarded to students from Developing countries selected to follow the training track in Condensed Matter Physics of the "Laurea Magistralis in Fisica". Each scholarship consists of: 800 Euro/month, travel grant, insurance and tuition fees.

IV. Application

Applicants should fax or mail the following documents:

  1. The application form completed in dark legible print, whether handwritten or typed. All sections of the form MUST be completed. A standard application form is available for download in both rtf format and PDF format.
  2. A transcript of academic records and a copy of the highest university degree, with authorized English translations of the same (if needed).
  3. Certificates or documents, certifying the student’s ability in English.

Furthermore each applicant should have two letters of recommendation, from senior scientists familiar with his/her work, sent directly to ICTP in separate sealed envelops. See below for standard forms.
All applications and recommendation letters should be addressed to:

ICTP - TRIL Programme
The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics
Strada Costiera 11,
34014 TRIESTE (Italy)
Fax: +39 040 2240558

and should reach before 31 May 2009.

The Abdus Salam
International Centre
for Theoretical Physics
© 2005