Personal tools
Filter spam in Pine
Go to the main menu (by pressing M) and choose Setup.

Choose Rules and then Filters. Note that this option does not exist on older versions of Pine, like those installed on the Sun Sparc workstations sv15, sv16, sv17 and sv18. Since these computers are going to be replaced in the near future, we will not update the software anymore. Hence you are invited to telnet to either or

Press Enter to add a new filter.

Move the cursor down to where the filter patterns are:

Press X and enter the text
and press Enter.

Now press A to add the value sssss
and press
Enter again.

Now move down to the action section and choose either a folder
where to collect these messages (recommended at least in the beginning)
or to delete them. To move them to a folder, choose Add in the
folder line and specify one, e.g. spam
. Check this folder
regularly to make sure no regular messages was accidentally put there.