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		<h4><span id="url"> &mdash;  </span><a href=""> </a> &gt; <a href="">tril </a>&gt; <span id="wah">joint programme for higher education in physics</span><span id="print"><a href="javascript:this.print();" ><img src="" alt="Print this page" title="Print this page" /></a></span></h4><!-- Beginning of maincontent -->
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<h2>Joint Programme for Higher Education in Physics</h2>
<br /><br />
<p>The ICTP cooperates with the <b>Faculty of Sciences of the University of Trieste</b> in the education in physics of graduate students from Developing countries.<br />
The cooperation concerns the following training curricula in physics of the University of Trieste: the <strong>&#8220;Laurea Magistralis in Fisica&#8221;</strong> with its training tracks in Condensed Matter Physics, Nuclear and Sub-Nuclear Physics, Theoretical Physics, Earth and Environmental Physics and the <strong>&#8220;Laurea Magistralis in Astrofisica e Fisica Spaziale&#8221;</strong>.  These two degrees called &#8220;Laurea Magistralis&#8221; can be compared to an advanced master in physics or in astrophysics in the Anglo-Saxon system or to the last two years of the New European Educational System as fixed by the Bologna-Sorbonne agreement among the European Ministers of Education in the mid nineties.</p>
<p>In the framework of this cooperation the ICTP announces that in 2009 a few scholarships and travel grants will be awarded to qualified, selected students from Developing countries in order to register and follow the above-mentioned training curricula in Physics of the University of Trieste.</p>

	<p><strong>I. Purpose of the Programme</strong></p>
	<p>The Programme covers two academic years and is designed to provide young promising students in physics from Developing countries with graduate training suitable for pursuing teaching and research in Physics.</p>
	<p><strong>II. The Courses</strong></p>
	<p>A short description of the different curricula of the &#8220;Laurea Magistralis in Fisica&#8221; and of the &#8220;Laurea Magistralis in Astrofisica e Fisica Spaziale&#8221; may be found following the link below.</p>
	<p><a href=""></a></p>

	<p>Courses will be held in English and each of them will be followed by an examination. A course on Italian language will be organized during the first year. After having passed all exams, participants will have to prepare and defend a dissertation. After successful completion of the entire study plan the students will obtain the &#8220;Laurea Magistralis in Fisica&#8221; or the &#8220;Laurea Magistralis in Astrofisica e Fisica Spaziale&#8221; by the University of Trieste. The participants may also be required to take part in ongoing activities of the ICTP.</p>
	<p><strong>III. Qualifications and Scholarships</strong></p>
	<li>The Programme is open to young, qualified graduates from all countries that are members of the United Nations, UNESCO or IAEA. </li>
	<li>The minimum qualification for applicants is a degree equivalent to an M.Sc. (or an exceptionally good B.Sc.) in Physics. The selection of candidates will be based on their university record and academic recommendations.</li>
	<li>Fluency in both spoken and written English is required.</li>
	<li><b>In 2009 a limited number of scholarships will be awarded to students from Developing countries selected to follow the training track in Condensed Matter Physics of the "Laurea Magistralis in Fisica".</b>
	 Each scholarship consists of: 800 Euro/month, travel grant, insurance and tuition fees.</li>
	<p><strong>IV. Application</strong></p>
	<p>Applicants should fax or mail the following documents:</p>
	<li>The application form completed in dark legible print, whether handwritten or typed. All sections of the form MUST be completed. <strong>A standard application form is available for download in both <a href="uni_ts_ictp_appl_form_09.rtf">rtf format</a> and <a href="uni_ts_ictp_appl_form_09.pdf">PDF format</a>.</strong></li>
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	<li>A transcript of academic records and a copy of the highest university degree, with authorized English translations of the same (if needed).</li>
	<li>Certificates or documents, certifying the student&#8217;s ability in English.</li>
	<p>Furthermore each applicant should have two letters of recommendation, from senior scientists familiar with his/her work, sent directly to ICTP in separate sealed envelops. See below for standard forms.<br />
All applications and recommendation letters should be addressed to:</p>
ICTP - TRIL Programme<br />
The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics<br />
Strada Costiera 11,<br />
34014 TRIESTE (Italy)<br />
Fax: +39 040 2240558<br />
e-mail: <a href="mailto:&#105;&#116;&#108;&#097;&#098;&#115;&#064;&#105;&#099;&#116;&#112;&#046;&#105;&#116;">&#105;&#116;&#108;&#097;&#098;&#115;&#064;&#105;&#099;&#116;&#112;&#046;&#105;&#116;</a>
	<p>and should reach before <strong>31 May 2009</strong>.</p>

<br /><br /><br />

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<h5><i>The Abdus Salam</i><br />
<b>International Centre<br />
for Theoretical Physics<br /></b>
&copy; 2005<br /></h5>
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