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- Data Type and Member Function Indexes
- Synopsis
- Description
- Interface
- Types
- Constructors
- Destructors
- Member Functions
- Examples
- See Also
- Standards Conformance
Data Type and Member Function Indexes
(exclusive of constructors and destructors)
#include <strstream> class istrstream : public basic_istream<char>
The class istrstream provides functionality to read characters from an array in memory. It uses a private strstreambuf object to control the associated array object. It inherits from basic_istream<char> and therefore can use all the formatted and unformatted input functions.
class istrstream : public basic_istream<char> { public: typedef char_traits<char> traits; typedef char char_type; typedef typename traits::int_type int_type; typedef typename traits::pos_type pos_type; typedef typename traits::off_type off_type; explicit istrstream(const char *s); istrstream(const char *s, streamsize n); explicit istrstream(char *s); istrstream(char *s, streamsize n); virtual ~istrstream(); strstreambuf *rdbuf() const; char *str(); };
The type char_type is a synonym of type char.
The type int_type is a synonym of type traits::in_type.
The type off_type is a synonym of type traits::off_type.
The type pos_type is a synonym of type traits::pos_type.
The type traits is a synonym of type char_traits<char>.
explicit istrstream(const char* s); explicit istrstream(char* s);
Constructs an object of class istrstream, initializing the base class basic_istream<char> with the associated strstreambuf object. The strstreambuf object is initialized by calling strstreambuf(s,0), where s shall designate the first element of an NTBS.
explicit istrstream(const char* s, streamsize n); explicit istrstream(char* s, streamsize n);
Constructs an object of class istrstream, initializing the base class basic_istream<char> with the associated strstreambuf object. The strstreambuf object is initialized by calling strstreambuf(s,n), where s shall designate the first element of an array whose length is n elements, and n shall be greater than zero.
virtual ~istrstream();
Destroys an object of class istrstream.
Member Functions
char* str();
Returns a pointer to the underlying array object which may be null.
strstreambuf* rdbuf() const;
Returns a pointer to the private strstreambuf object associated with the stream.
// // stdlib/examples/manual/istrstream.cpp // #include<iostream> #include<strstream> void main ( ) { using namespace std; const char* p="C'est pas l'homme qui prend la mer, "; char* s="c'est la mer qui prend l'homme"; // create an istrstream object and initialize // the underlying strstreambuf with p istrstream in_first(p); // create an istrstream object and initialize // the underlying strstreambuf with s istrstream in_next(s); // create an ostrstream object ostrstream out; // output the content of in_first and // in_next to out out << in_first.rdbuf() << in_next.str(); // output the content of out to stdout cout << endl << out.rdbuf() << endl; // output the content of in_first to stdout cout << endl << in_first.str(); // output the content of in_next to stdout cout << endl << in_next.rdbuf() << endl; }
See Also
char_traits(3C++), ios_base(3C++), basic_ios(3C++), strstreambuf(3C++), ostrstream(3C++), strstream(3c++)
Working Paper for Draft Proposed International Standard for Information Systems--Programming Language C++, Annex D Compatibility features Section D.6.2
Standards Conformance
ANSI X3J16/ISO WG21 Joint C++ Committee

©Copyright 1996, Rogue Wave Software, Inc.