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Standard C++ Library Class Reference, Volume 2

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©Copyright 1996, Rogue Wave Software, Inc.
Standard C++ Library Class Reference, Volume 2
Iostreams and Locale
Welcome to the Iostreams and Locale Reference. Look below for an alphabetized table of links to the class descriptions.
For member functions and data types (exclusive of constructors and destructors), you can consult the comprehensive index, and each class description has an index specific to the class.
This reference guide is an alphabetical listing of the classes, facets, functions, and pre-defined streams found in the iostreams and locale portion of the Standard C++ Library.
Each entry in this reference begins with a banner that indicates either the category that an item belongs in (e.g., facet, function, pre-defined stream, etc.) or the inheritance for that class. In many cases a very brief description of the object follows the banner. Next, the reference includes a synopsis, which indicates the object's header file(s) and a class signature or function declaration.
For entries that are not classes the reference includes a text description of the item, followed by an example of its use, and references to other items related to this entry.
For classes, the reference includes a text description of the entry and a listing of the C++ code that describes the interface. Following the interface is a description of the types and methods in the class, organized into constructors, destructors, operators, member functions, and other categories. The categories are not a part of the C++ language, but do provide a way of organizing the methods. Finally, the reference includes an example of using the class, and a pointer to other entries related to the class.
Throughout the documentation, there are frequent references to "self," which should be understood to mean "*this".
Standards Conformance
The information presented in this reference conforms with the requirements of the ANSI X3J16/ISO WG21 Joint C++ Committee.
- basic_filebuf
- basic_fstream
- basic_ifstream
- basic_ios
- basic_iostream
- basic_istream
- basic_istringstream
- basic_ofstream
- basic_ostream
- basic_ostringstream
- basic_streambuf
- basic_stringbuf
- basic_stringstream
- cerr
- char_traits
- cin
- clog
- codecvt
- codecvt_byname
- collate, collate_byname
- cout
- ctype
- ctype<char>
- ctype_byname
- facets
- fpos
- has_facet
- ios_base
- iosfwd
- isalnum
- isalpha
- iscntrl
- isdigit
- isgraph
- islower
- isprint
- ispunct
- isspace
- istreambuf_iterator
- istrstream
- isupper
- isxdigit
- locale
- messages, messages_byname
- money_get
- money_put
- moneypunct, moneypunct_byname
- num_get
- numpunct, numpunct_byname
- num_put
- ostreambuf_iterator
- ostrstream
- smanip, smanip_fill
- strstream
- strstreambuf
- time_get
- time_get_byname
- time_put
- time_put_byname
- tolower
- toupper
- use_facet
- wcerr
- wcin
- wclog
- wcout